Challenge: Try terza rima (for added challenge, try to hit iambic pentameter, or more or less 10 syllables per line)
Love Song for Lizzie
As the days slide toward Easter, thick bud thumbs thrust up from our forgotten flower beds, the yellow lawns licked clean by waxing sun — impossible, now, not to leap ahead to lazy summer days, hot afternoons, fleshy maples waving dappled in red daydreams . . . And how soon, oh sweet Jesus, soon! I’ll see our girl again, all grown up, near- ly Mastered, living her best life, not alone but without us, her empty room here a reminder of her separate story . . . Oh, I’m not going to waste any tears on our new insignificance. It’s glorious just to know that one April afternoon she leaped into being, our victorious January baby, our only E- piphany, darling daffodil, living poem, resurrection, our infinite We!