This guy loves cheesy cards and making fine cuisine. He’s a kitchen singer, a fish tickler, and a goofball extraordinaire. I am DAMN LUCKY to be hitched to him for life.
And Now for Something Completely Different or Eclipse Birthday Poem for Dave Nature’s celebrating you today, slipping the moon in front of the sun, as if to somehow highlight your inner brilliance. Because you shine, darling, blaze in my imagination whenever I’m asked to “set an intention” or figure out all I’m grateful for -- like our friend Petty sort of sings, I got lucky, babe, when I finally met you, there on the U of A breezeway, third time the charm. True confession: I recognized your light from the first but refused, twice, to let it in, suffering my own emotional eclipse, craving the pain of inauthenticity and rejection, closing my eyes against unconditional connection. But here you are, 34 years later -- partner, heart, infinite source of warmth, love, life -- never any moon between us.