Challenge: Write a pantoum about the goddamn weather
It’s Saturday morning, April 9, and the pinche lawn is glazed again with motherfucking snow. Just looking at this epic shit show -- la chingada lawn glazed, again -- the blood deserts my fingers. Looking at this hijo de mierda makes me want to hurl, the blood leaves my fingers, my mamada muscles go into shock, I want to hurl sunshine and puppies all over this goddamn bitch. My muscles go into shock, my hair turns whiter, and all over this bitch of a body, the snow takes hold. My pendejo hair freezes, my veins push ice water, the puta madre snow attacks me, my brain swells, my veins push ice up my old ass spine until my fucking brain explodes into a cocksucking chingadera de nieve -- my aching old ass spine, apocalypse of April-sucking-snow, meta-fucking-physical blizzard, retejodida hasta la chingada snowbound cunt of a Saturday, April 9, 2022.